For the past two weeks, we have been working on a culminating project for our inquiry into
What Is Art? For this project, students have applied their learning of different art forms and styles, as well as what Public Art is, to create a piece of Public Art work honouring those who attended Residential Schools.
Today, we shared our work within our own class, as well as with our Grade 1 buddies in Ms Paradis' class. We also completed a self-evaluation of our artwork and writing.
Here are some take-away quotes from this learning:
"I think one of the puzzle pieces from Chasing Vermeer said that art doesn't have to be perfect; it's just how the viewer sees it. It gave me confidence to build." ~ Arsh
"By using the quote "Humans Need Questions More Than Answers" I created my house. When I planned, I asked myself about the artwork to make a good plan." ~ Vihaan
"It was my first time using clay and now I know how to make a lot of things out of clay." ~ Pari
"If you have the original plan, it won't always turn out the way you wanted it to be." ~ Alice
"I liked the building part because building is one of my favourite things to do in Minecraft. Since I used Minecraft, I could make a waterfall. I wouldn't be able to do that in real life." ~ Nico
"I made mine from the cardboard. We learned from the Minecraft Sessions; I like how I got to learn more things about Minecraft and using the keys and more things. I've played Minecraft but now I see how it could be used for this type of project." ~ Kashvi
Parents, you can expect to see these self and teacher-evaluations coming home on Monday. Please take a moment to review my marks and comments with your child.