Friday, October 21, 2022

Public Art

In front of Wolfe and Sparrows, discussing what this statue symbolizes

This week, we shifted our study of art to examine Public Art specifically. We listed public art pieces we are familiar with in our community, like the Rainbow Trout and BUMP murals. We learned a bit about how the city chooses public art pieces and the difference between privately commissioned and publicly commissioned artwork. Ms Elder shared different artists/artwork with us like Nick Cave, the Bridge murals, Wolfe and Sparrows, Rainbow Trout, and more. She told us about our homework assignment due Friday, November 4 (click here for details)

The Peace Bridge was controversial.
Some people thought it was too expensive.

We also got into groups and learned about controversial art pieces in Calgary like: the Bowfort Towers, the Peace Bridge, the Travelling Light, the Wishing Well, and the Brotherhood of Mankind. We read newspaper articles that explained who didn't like the artwork and why. Then, we shared our learning with the class. 

The Wishing Well group explaining why this artwork was controversial.

The Bowfort Towers group explaining why this artwork was controversial.

Then, yesterday, we did a Community Walk to visit some of the nearby art pieces and talk about the purpose of them. We discussed how they create a sense of belonging and community or don't. This work connects with many areas of the curriculum, such as finding ways to take action in local decisions (Social Studies), finding ways the city cares for its citizens and how we can use art to create a sense of belonging (Wellness), and examining different forms of artwork (Art). We will follow-up next week with a mapping activity, too (Social Studies)!

Exploring the Mindfulness art installation: Ripple

Some of our reflections:

"I liked that we got to go to Wolfe and Sparrows because I never stop by there when I ride my bike by it. I learned that it opened a few years ago." ~ Sage
"I liked walking in Ripple because it was fun and it was a big maze. The path never crossed over each other." ~ Clover
"I liked how we got to see a lot of beautiful art. I had never seen the Wolfe and Sparrows before so I thought it was really special to see it. I learned a lot about it." ~ Abbey
"I liked learning about Wolfe and Sparrows because I would always think that the sparrows were leaves." ~ Alice
"It was a good time when we did a Community Walk. It was my first time to go to Inglewood." ~ Kashvi
"I liked it when I found out that the sign is actually a garbage can." ~ Charlie
"On our walk, we passed an Art Gallery." ~ Arsh
"I enjoyed reading the newspaper articles. Some of the stuff I didn't know like the Travelling Light symbolizes transportation." ~ Alice
"I wonder why the Bowfort Towers are still up." ~ Alice

Fitset Ninja!

Here are some pictures from our Fitset Ninja activity! Have an awesome summer, everyone, and I'll see you back at Ramsay School on Augus...