Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Gr 4 Multiplication Posters

Today we worked on our times table posters in partners. We are showing strategies for remembering each times table without  memorizing. For example, we look for patterns in the multiples of that number. 

By making these posters we are accelerating our math vocabulary with words like, "increasing," "decreasing," "ones place," "tens place," "patterns", etc.

Tomorrow, we will be presenting our posters for the class and we will put them up in the classroom to help us learn our facts. 

"I really like making the posters and doing the different times tables because it's a fun way to learn your math." ~ Alice
"I liked learning all the different ways to do it like skip counting, using a hundreds chart, looking for patterns." ~ Clover
"I liked finding new patterns when skip counting by 7's. I thought it would be shorter for the pattern to end and restart but it actually does it when it hits 70." ~ Charlie
"I really liked that we got to design a poster about Multiplication facts." ~ Sage
"I liked working with my partner. We give one part to one and the other part to the other. We do a good project with both our ideas." ~ V
"I really liked how we got to work on big grid paper." ~ Olivia
"I really liked how we don't have to do a lot of things and it's gonna be useful to somebody who reads this." ~ Kashvi

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Science Centre Field Trip

Yesterday we had a really fun day at the Science Centre. Many students were quoted saying that it was the "best field trip ever!" :) 

Grade Fours participated in a program called Machine Talent Show. Our teacher Simone reviewed the simple machines and was impressed with how much we knew! They are: 
  • Lever
  • Wedge
  • Pulley
  • Gear
  • Incline Plane
  • Wheel & Axle
  • Screw
Then, she showed us this video of a cam and follower system (click here). She showed us an example and the materials we had to work with. We worked in groups to try to build one. We got to choose the shape of our cam, which changed the action that our chicken (a feather) did. 

Grade Fives participated in a program called Sparking Circuits. We made circuits. We tried to turn on an LED light without using a battery. We turned a turbine and that powered the light, which is an example of wind energy. To create a power source that can continuously run the light without using a battery we attached the motor to a button which when we press "on", it will run and power the light.  We also learned the difference between LED lights and incandescent lights. Incandescent lights get hotter than LED and incandescent use more energy. LED are more "picky" that their power source is lined up properly with the positive and negative terminals are in the right place. 

We also learned about static electricity. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Gr 4 Multiplication

We finished up our work on Adding and Subtracting decimal numbers last week. Students are on-track, though many need reminders to regroup when subtracting. A fantastic game to play at home to support your child is the "Banker's Game" (click here to see our old blog post with instructions). Students could print/draw Base Ten blocks to use instead of the blocks, or you could use coins. 

We have moved on to Multiplication. So far, we've talked about what Multiplication is and how we could represent it. Students were able to recall information from Grade Three, such as: 

We practiced drawing groups or arrays to match multiplication equations and have been using math vocabulary words in class, such as: factor, product, equation, array

This week, we are exploring patterns in the Multiplication table and looking for strategies to help us memorize them, such as: in the 3's times tables, the multiples of threes are even-odd-even-odd..." 

Students are working in groups to create posters to put up on the wall. They will present them to the rest of the class, using their best Math vocabulary, next week. 

You can support your child at home by playing games, singing the facts (check Youtube for multiplication fact songs!), doing flashcards...whatever works best for your child to help them memorize the facts up to 9x9. I have posted the rules to a game we played in class called Multiplication Luck on our Google Classroom. It's a lot like Yatzee and is really fun! I will also post the rules to another game, Array Capture, after I teach it to the class on Monday.

In Grade 4, students are expected to demonstrate an understanding and application of multiplication equations up to 9x9 with fluency/memorization up to 7x7. We will be working with the numbers in class and the focus of class time will be spent on understanding and representing multiplication, not memorization.

If you have questions, I'm always happy to chat! :)
~ Ms Elder

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Playground Design Project Sharing

Last week, we finished our playground designs and students pitched their designs to the class. We voted on the design that we thought best met the needs of the community, while also taking into consideration the cost. Two designs came close in the number of votes they had: V, M, and Abbey's design that with 12 votes and Sy, Nico, and Liam's design with 14 votes. Both groups moved on to be allowed to pitch their designs to the Community Association and City of Calgary

Today, we had two guests in our classroom: Nicole from the Ramsay Community Association and Rob from the City of Calgary. They listened to what we have learned so while working on this project. We:
  • researched the City of Calgary playground criteria
  • looked at the Census data to learn the demographics for the Ramsay neighbourhood (how many people are in each age group in Ramsay)
  • discovered the 6 simple machines
  • went on Community Walks to study the simple machines in playground equipment
  • were informed on the 4 healthy play components, as described on the City of Calgary website
  • looked at a map and found the grassy areas in Ramsay and identified them as possible playground spots 
  • went on a Community Walk to visit the three potential playground sites we found
  • learned from Nicole that two of the sites we'd found on the map are actually being considered for new playgrounds
  • discovered the real-life cost of different pieces of equipment and ground cover
  • discussed the word collaboration and what it means to work together as a group
  • cut and glued pieces of playground equipment from Blue Imp catalogues
  • calculated the total cost of our design 
  • pitched our ideas to the class and voted!
As you can see, this project encompasses outcomes from all subject areas: Language Arts (Speaking), Math (Adding), Science (Simple Machines), Social Studies (connecting with municipal processes; considering the needs of the community); and Wellness (different types of play; working as a team). For more info, Check our previous blog post (click here)

Today, Rob told us that what we have done in class is just like his job in "real life." 
He said University students do projects like this to learn about city planning.

Our finalists with Rob from the City of Calgary and Nicole from the Ramsay Community Association

Here are some quotes about our learning: 
"I really liked collaborating with my team and seeing the different ideas we can add." ~ Abbey
"We learned about the different aspects of designing." ~ V
"I never thought that we would make our own playgrounds; it was fun!" ~ Aarav
"I liked cutting and gluing because it was interesting how many different types of playground equipment there was in the catalogue." ~ Alice
"I liked the presentation." ~ Arsh
"I liked working with my team and trying all we could." ~ Raj
"I liked presenting to Rob and Nicole because they gave us their ideas." ~ M
"I liked combining the simple machines and playground designs to get the final product." ~ Charlie
"I learned about all 4 healthy play components." ~ Sy
"I learned that it's fun to collaborate with my group members." ~ Liam
"The images were fun and cool." ~ Daniel
"I learned that we have to do our best and we can win. " ~ S
"I learned that even if you can't communicate in the same language, there are other ways to communicate and even if someone doesn't understand it, other people can help." ~ Suzi
"I liked how we can design our own playground." ~ Kim
"I liked the idea that our design could include everyone, like people with disabilities." ~ Nico
"I liked how it was a big project." ~ Olivia
"I learned that persuading people can be very hard." ~ Artur
"I liked designing the playground because it was fun to look through the pamphlet and find the different equipment." ~ Clover
"I liked that we got to vote on our favourite design." ~ Sage
"I liked how to collaborate with my group." ~ Michael
"I liked this playground project." ~ Milana
"I liked that we got to learn the prices." ~ H
"I like my team." ~ O
"Project is very hard and fun." ~ Andria
"I like how Math was involved in this project." ~ Nolan
"I like playground and project." ~ R

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


This week's Curling Residency!

For the past two days, we have taken part in a Curling Residency with Coaches Tyler and Willie. We are learning the basics of Curling. Curling is a great sport that involves strategy, thinking and Science! We learned new vocabulary, like button, house, hammer, and take-out

Coach Willie taught us two strategies: setting a guard, and making a take-out!

We also learned how to score:

Tallying the Score!
Here are some pics of us in action and some quotes:

"I learned in Curling that the middle circle is called the Button and the entire target is called the House." ~ Charlie
"I learned that the thing that you throw at the House is called a Rock." ~ Alice
"I learned all of the different names of the equipment." ~ Clover
"I learned a variety of strategies to try to win at Curling." ~ Raj
"I learned how to use different strategies when curling in different situations." ~ Vihaan
"I learned that you could hit another rock and you could also get into the middle." ~ Arutr
"I learned a new game that was pretty fun and I liked it! I liked how to played in the gym and it's usually on ice." ~ Kashvi

Fitset Ninja!

Here are some pictures from our Fitset Ninja activity! Have an awesome summer, everyone, and I'll see you back at Ramsay School on Augus...