By making these posters we are accelerating our math vocabulary with words like, "increasing," "decreasing," "ones place," "tens place," "patterns", etc.
Tomorrow, we will be presenting our posters for the class and we will put them up in the classroom to help us learn our facts.
"I really like making the posters and doing the different times tables because it's a fun way to learn your math." ~ Alice
"I liked learning all the different ways to do it like skip counting, using a hundreds chart, looking for patterns." ~ Clover
"I liked finding new patterns when skip counting by 7's. I thought it would be shorter for the pattern to end and restart but it actually does it when it hits 70." ~ Charlie
"I really liked that we got to design a poster about Multiplication facts." ~ Sage
"I liked working with my partner. We give one part to one and the other part to the other. We do a good project with both our ideas." ~ V
"I really liked how we got to work on big grid paper." ~ Olivia
"I really liked how we don't have to do a lot of things and it's gonna be useful to somebody who reads this." ~ Kashvi