For the past three weeks in Science, we have been applying our learning of Human Impact (
Waste in Our World and Wetlands) to create a PSA. A PSA is a Public Service Announcement. A Public Service Announcement is something that tells people information about an issue, which helps us and our planet. Some real-life examples of PSA's from this year are mask mandates, flu shots available, Alberta Health Services COVID announcements, vaccines, etc.
We learned that to create a great PSA it should have: clear solutions for people to easily do, short and snappy sentences, and pictures that are eye-catching and relate to the topic. We got to choose whether we made a poster on paper, a google slides poster, a radio announcement or a tv commercial. We also got to choose if we worked alone or with a partner.

We took this assignment through the whole writing process: planning sheet, rough copy, one-on-one conference with Ms Elder, and revising to make a good copy. We kept the assessment rubric close by so that we could keep checking it to find ways to make our work better.
Today, we are bringing home our marks in our backpacks for this project.
We are sharing them with the class and choosing the top 2 to share with the school. The important part of making a PSA is to share it with the public! :)