Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Grade 4 Number Quiz

Grade 4 Students, this is a reminder that you will have a quiz on Representing Numbers on Wednesday, December 7. You will need to know how to: 

  • Write numbers up to 10 000 in words and numerals
  • Express numbers up to 10 000 using expanded form
  • Express numbers up to 10 000 in numerals after being given expanded form
  • Order numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest
  • Represent a given number up to 10 000 using Base Ten blocks
  • Count Base Ten blocks to find a total number
If you are looking for ways to practice for your Quiz, make sure that all of your assignments on Mathletics are completed. You can also re-do any of the Numbers to 10 000 Activities.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Number Games


In Math these last couple of weeks, we have been working on our understanding of Number Concepts. We have played games and tried challenges that are open-ended, meaning there is more than one possible answer. This broadens students' math thinking and aids with problem-solving skills. It has also been an excellent way for Ms Elder to gather information on what we know about numbers. Here are two activities from this week that were tons of fun and built our mathematical vocabulary and place value understanding: 

What's My Number? 
In this game, everyone had a sticker on their backs with a number on it. We had to ask Yes or No questions to figure out what our number was. Here are some questions we brainstormed ahead of time to help us: 

Esti-Mysteries are a fun way to practice estimation, as well as building math vocabulary and an understanding of Number.  We start by making an estimation on a whiteboard. Then, we are given clues to help us adjust our estimates until we have enough clues to know that it's the actual answer. 

Excited to Do More At Home?
These are games that can easily be adapted for at home or in the car. Try playing "Higher or Lower" where one person thinks of a number and the other person asks "Higher or Lower" until they figure it out. 
Or, play "What's My Number" without the stickers by having one person think of a number and everyone else asks questions like the ones modelled above to figure it out. Have fun playing!

Memorial Project

Initial Brainstorming
As you know, over the past three months, we have been learning about art. We have explored various art styles both through the art we've created in class, and by learning about real-life artists and their artwork. We have also learned about different types of public art and how they can create or dismantle a feeling of community.

We are going to take everything we've learned and put it together in one final project: we will create a model of a public memorial art piece to honour those who attended Residential Schools. This brings together our learning of the Calls to Action, Reconciliation, and Art. 

In class today, we discussed different memorials within Canada, as well as the importance in recognizing that Residential Schools did happen. We had time to brainstorm different ideas that could be used in creating a memorial art model. We thought of different media we could use: paper (to represent a mural), sculpture using clay, wire, cardboard, Lego, etc (to represent a statue), or Minecraft (to create a model statue). We shared our ideas and learned from each other. 

Next week, we will begin creating our models IN CLASS. Please only brainstorm at home, do not actually begin creating at home. If you missed today's class, I encourage you to do some brainstorming so that you have an idea when you come to class next week. 

You can find the assessment expectations in the Google Classroom under "Art" -> "Memorial Project" so that you know what you will be marked on. If you have any questions, feel free to email me:

~ Ms Elder

Initial Brainstorming

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Attention Parents: Marks Returned

Hi Parents,

Just a friendly note to let you know that I handed back the Waste in Our World Tests today. We took up the test as a class with students correcting their own work. Tests are in backpacks today. 

If your child is not at school today, I will return it to them once they come back. If you or your child has any questions about the marks, please let me know.

I am also handing back the Public Art Presentations feedback as students present. If your child has already presented, their marks have been sent home in their backpack. Students who presented today will receive their marks tomorrow.

As always, if you have any questions about your child's progress/marks, please email me. We will also have the opportunity to talk at the upcoming Learning Conferences on November 24/25. 


Monday, November 7, 2022

Fort Calgary Field Trip Recount

Here are some pictures and quotes from our day of learning at Fort Calgary last week. 

The focus of our first program was on artifacts: how to handle them with care and how to use them to investigate the past and learn something about their owner. 

"In the suitcase, there were daily items of the person who used them. We were trying to figure out what was their story." ~ Aarav
"We got to see and feel these artifacts. These are really different from our daily items. I loved feeling these items; they're so strange to me." ~ Liam
"We used different artifacts to try and figure out the person we got. We got to make our own story." ~ Abbey
"We were exploring the artifacts inside the suitcase and were doing some investigating on the daily items and the person who owned them. We also did a chart trying to guess the person's personality." ~ Raj

The second program focused on stories of Calgarians. We used the museum exhibits to gather information. Then, we worked in a group to teach the class about our exhibit by putting on a play. 

The Women of the West Cooking Show!

We spent some time as a class discussing why Fort Calgary was built and why this specific area was chosen. We talked about how this area is so important to the Blackfoot People. We are so lucky to live and go to school within walking distance of such an important gathering place. 

"It's called the Bow River because there is a bush and the wood is good for making a bow." ~ Arsh

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

HOMEWORK: Prepare for Waste in Our World Test

Students, this is a reminder that you have a Science Test for Waste in Our World.

Test date: Monday, November 7

Here is what you are expected to know for the quiz, in case you'd like to review at home. You can use the resources on Google Classroom and re-read our class blog posts for help.
  • Identify different kinds of waste (natural and man-made)
  • Identify different ways we can reduce the amount of waste we make
  • Distinguish between waste that is easy to decompose and not
  • Compare different kinds of packaging and list pros and cons (ex: plastic, aluminum, tetra-pak, glass)
  • Identify hazardous materials and how to dispose of them safely

Fitset Ninja!

Here are some pictures from our Fitset Ninja activity! Have an awesome summer, everyone, and I'll see you back at Ramsay School on Augus...