Initial Brainstorming |
As you know, over the past three months, we have been learning about art. We have explored various art styles both through the art we've created in class, and by learning about real-life artists and their artwork. We have also learned about different types of public art and how they can create or dismantle a feeling of community.
We are going to take everything we've learned and put it together in one final project: we will create a model of a public memorial art piece to honour those who attended Residential Schools. This brings together our learning of the Calls to Action, Reconciliation, and Art.
In class today, we discussed different memorials within Canada, as well as the importance in recognizing that Residential Schools did happen. We had time to brainstorm different ideas that could be used in creating a memorial art model. We thought of different media we could use: paper (to represent a mural), sculpture using clay, wire, cardboard, Lego, etc (to represent a statue), or Minecraft (to create a model statue). We shared our ideas and learned from each other.
Next week, we will begin creating our models IN CLASS. Please only brainstorm at home, do not actually begin creating at home. If you missed today's class, I encourage you to do some brainstorming so that you have an idea when you come to class next week.
You can find the assessment expectations in the Google Classroom under "Art" -> "Memorial Project" so that you know what you will be marked on. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: eeelder@cbe.ab.ca.
~ Ms Elder