Friday, November 18, 2022

Number Games


In Math these last couple of weeks, we have been working on our understanding of Number Concepts. We have played games and tried challenges that are open-ended, meaning there is more than one possible answer. This broadens students' math thinking and aids with problem-solving skills. It has also been an excellent way for Ms Elder to gather information on what we know about numbers. Here are two activities from this week that were tons of fun and built our mathematical vocabulary and place value understanding: 

What's My Number? 
In this game, everyone had a sticker on their backs with a number on it. We had to ask Yes or No questions to figure out what our number was. Here are some questions we brainstormed ahead of time to help us: 

Esti-Mysteries are a fun way to practice estimation, as well as building math vocabulary and an understanding of Number.  We start by making an estimation on a whiteboard. Then, we are given clues to help us adjust our estimates until we have enough clues to know that it's the actual answer. 

Excited to Do More At Home?
These are games that can easily be adapted for at home or in the car. Try playing "Higher or Lower" where one person thinks of a number and the other person asks "Higher or Lower" until they figure it out. 
Or, play "What's My Number" without the stickers by having one person think of a number and everyone else asks questions like the ones modelled above to figure it out. Have fun playing!

Fitset Ninja!

Here are some pictures from our Fitset Ninja activity! Have an awesome summer, everyone, and I'll see you back at Ramsay School on Augus...