Students, this is a reminder that you will have your final two quizzes of the year this week.
For information on the Fractions and Decimals quiz, click here.
For Science, you know that your quiz will be on Plants. Here are some things you should know to be prepared for the quiz.
- Identify ways that plants are important to humans
- Provide examples of seed dispersal
- Explain what a seed plant needs to survive
- Explain the job of different plant parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds)
- Provide examples of pollinators and explain why pollinators are important
- Use Science vocabulary correctly, such as photosynthesis, chlorophyll, dormant, seed coat, embryo (baby plant in the seed), deciduous, coniferous
If you feel that you need to practice/learn any of this information, check on the Google Classroom under "Science" for many videos and websites we used this month.