Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Personalized Land Acknowlegements and Artwork

Over the course of this year, students have been learning about the Indigenous history of this land we call Alberta. One of the learning tasks the students have taken part in is creating their own personalized statement to proceed the CBE's standard land acknowledgement. This exercise has been encouraged by many experts in the hopes of people internalizing the importance of the land acknowledgement and not just reciting it mindlessly. 

Now that students have finished their paragraphs, they are taking turns reading them out loud for the class as a way for us to start each school day. Many students have been excited about this; we are never short of volunteers to read!

To accompany the land acknowledgements, students created a multi-media form of art that we called "Extending the Frame." Students brought in a picture from home of themselves in nature, in a place in Alberta that is special to them (thanks, parents, for your support with this activity!). Students glued the photo on to a canvas then used light pencil sketching to extend the land around them. They made artistic decisions, such as where to put their photo on the canvas to best provide opportunities to extend the land, whether to arrange their canvas in portrait or landscape style, and whether to use watercolours or acrylic paints to best match the original photo. The outcome was outstanding! Just look at these beautiful creations!

These works of art will be on display for the next month both in our classroom and on the bulletin board outside the Gym. If you're in the school, you're encouraged to check them out. 

If you don't see your child's beautiful work below, it is because you have not signed the Consent to Publish work form so I am not allowed to share pictures of their faces or work. You can adjust this by going in to MySchool account and "forms" or contact Ms Tammy in the office for help. Or, it is because your child has not yet finished. :)

Fitset Ninja!

Here are some pictures from our Fitset Ninja activity! Have an awesome summer, everyone, and I'll see you back at Ramsay School on Augus...