This book relates well to our current Science work on Simple Machines & Building Devices that Move as it is all about a clock-maker's son who likes to tinker and create moving machines.
The style of the book, by Brian Selznick, is very unique. The pictures tell parts of the story that the words do not. It is a great book to "read" for students learning English because so many of the pictures tell the story's events in the place of words.
As we read this book, we will take part in lessons on Asking Questions. Over the next couple of weeks, we will discuss what the difference is between a Simple and a Complex Question and practice asking questions related to Hugo. We know that readers pause throughout a book to ask questions and make predictions. This is why we will work on this strategy as a whole class.
I encourage you at home to ask your child what is happening in this story, but to also ask them what their questions are as the story unfolds. :)